Synthetic Ice Tiles Skateable Tiles 10x (48 cm x 48 cm)
89.95 €
Hockey Skate-Compatible Synthetic Ice Tiles – Perfect for Effective Hockey Training!
Our synthetic ice tiles provide an excellent opportunity to train your hockey skills, even when you don't have access to real ice. The surface simulates an ice-like feeling, but it is important to note that it is not actual ice. However, it is an ideal training platform as it presents a higher demand on your technique.
Why these tiles are especially suitable for your training:
Increased Training Effect: The synthetic surface requires more effort and a stronger push when skating, resulting in a higher training effect. You need to push harder, which intensifies the use of your muscles and coordination. This makes training on our tiles more effective and can lead to quicker skill improvements.
Ice-like but More Challenging Surface: The tiles offer an ice-like surface, but gliding on them is not as smooth as on real ice. This means you need to work harder to maintain speed and technique, which will ultimately improve your puck control, shot accuracy, and stickhandling.
Easy Setup and Versatility: With the 18” x 18” tiles, you can quickly and easily assemble your own training area. In just a few minutes, a customizable surface can be created, making it ideal for use in the garden, garage, or even in the basement.
Equipment Protection: The specially designed surface is gentle on your skates and ensures that the puck glides smoothly. However, the slightly lower glide ability makes the training more realistic and challenging than on regular ice.
Enhance Your Hockey Skills: Although it is not real ice, these synthetic tiles are an excellent training aid. You can effectively work on your skating, passing, shooting, and puck handling, while the added challenge of your movements and technique is beneficial.
In summary: The Hockey Synthetic Ice Tiles are a great way to improve your hockey skills. While the surface may not be identical to real ice, the added resistance and increased effort required when skating enhances your training effect. This allows you to significantly improve your technique and endurance – anytime and anywhere.
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